May 8, 2021

The Whiskey Rebellion

The Whiskey Rebellion

Join me this week as I dive into the first domestic rebellion faced by the new government.

It all started in January 1791 when Congress passed an excise tax on grain alcohol meant to raise revenue to pay off national debts. It culminated in the deployment of 13,000 troops led by the Commander in Chief himself - George Washington.

Sources Used This Episode:

The Cabinet by Lindsay M Chervinksy

Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow

You Don’t Know Much About History by Kenneth C Davis


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Listener Favorites

Not sure where to begin? Take a listen to some fan favorites.

June 11, 2022

The Indian Removal Act of 1830

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Jan. 20, 2024

The Massachusetts 54th

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April 6, 2024

Mary Todd Lincoln: Part One

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