Feb. 6, 2021

The Madison Dash to the Constitution

The Madison Dash to the Constitution

The Articles of Confederation were flawed and in need of a massive rewrite, however support for such an idea was severely lacking. In the newly established country's mind, the tacit partnership agreement found within the articles was the perfect balance of sovereignty and unity.

So how did fifty-five delegates manage to get together in Philadelphia over the summer of 1787 and create a brand new document? Tune in this week as I discuss the run up to the Constitutional Convention and some of the key players who would play a pivotal role in the creation of the United States Constitution.

Sources Used This Episode:

  • Primary Documents in American History: Northwest Ordinance. Library of Congress. (LINK)
  • 1789: Northwest Ordinance guarantees tribal rights and lands. National Library of Medicine, Native Voices: Native Peoples’ Concepts of Health and Illness. (LINK)
  • James Madison by Garry Willis
  • On this day, the Articles of Confederation are approved. National Constitution Center. March 1, 2020. NCC Staff. (LINK)
  • Annapolis Convention. Encyclopedia Britannica. September 19, 2017. The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. (LINK)
  • The Quartet by Joseph J Ellis
  • These Truths by Jill Lepore


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