Civics & Coffee is an independent history podcast that is made possible because of listeners like you! If you have been enjoying the show and are trying to think of ways to show your support, I have a few suggestions! 

Rate & Review

One of the best (and free!) ways to show your support for the show is to leave a rate and review. You can choose your favorite app of choice (GoodPods, Podchaser, Apple Podcasts, Spotify) and let everyone know just how much you enjoy the show. I love seeing your feedback and the reviews help spread the word. 


Help Civics & Coffee stay commercial free with your donations through Buy Me a Coffee (link below).

Your contributions (or coffees) go towards the costs of hosting the podcast and helping me track down my source material to bring you episodes on American History.  

Join the Patreon!

I’ve also established a page on patreon for any listeners who would like to contribute on a regular basis to Civics & Coffee. Patron tiers start at $3 per month where patrons get a series of historical stickers and a little thank you from yours truly! 

Joining the Patreon also gives you access to a special, members only RSS-feed where I will launch additional content - including the special series Civics & Cocktails. Donations go towards paying for the monthly hosting and maintenance costs for the podcast and its social media as well as technology upgrades and access to research resources.

Whether through a one time donation or becoming a member of the C&C Patreon Community, I will be sure to recognize your support on an episode of the pod. 


You can also choose to support the show through helping me secure much needed research material! I've crafted a wish list over on Amazon that you peruse and purchase at your convenience.