Her Cold War with Dr. Tanya Roth

Happy Women's History Month!
Join me this week as I interview historian and author Dr. Tanya Roth about her analysis of women in the United States history, Her Cold War. Roth weaved an engaging and informative story about how women's roles in the military evolved in a post World War II nation and how slowly but surely they worked towards providing an equitable place at the table.
Purchase Her Cold War:
Reach out to Dr. Roth:
Learn More About Women's Military Service:
Women in Military Service for America:
Women’s Veterans Historical Project:
Library of Congress Veterans History Project:
Books Mentioned During The Interview:
Officer, Nurse, Woman: The Army Nurse Corps in the Vietnam War by Kara Dixon Vuic
Beyond Combat: Women and Gender in the Vietnam War Era by Heather Marie Stur
Nursing Civil Rights by Charissa J Threat
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